Aalborg is a bay located in Nordjylland, Denmark on the
continent of Europe. Find Apartments, Archives, Hotel, Italian Cuisine, Monastery and attractions in Aalborg, Aalborg below.
Aalborg in Aalborg, Aalborg
Aalborg Kloster Welcome to Aalborg Kloster, Aalborg, Denmark. Aalborg Kloster is Denmark's oldest social institution, founded as the House of the Holy Ghost in 1431 by maren Hemmings and granted the status of monast...
Read more The Danish Emigration Archives We welcome you to the The Danish Emigration Archives, Aalborg, Denmark. The National Collection of Books and Documents on Emigration History in Denmark The Danish Emigration Archives in Aalborg, Denma...
Read more Hotel Krogen Welcome to Hotel Krogen, Aalborg, Denmark. Hotel Krogen is situated just 1.5 km from downtown Aalborg in the fashionable suburb of Hasseris.
Built as the mansion of merchant J.N. Skibsted in 1872, i...
Read more Azzurra Welcome to Azzurra, Aalborg, Denmark. Restaurant Azzurra presents all the variations the Italian cucina can provide. The menu tempts you with seafood, poultry, meat, pasta and pizza - all with the fr...