Hamburg is a bay located in Hamburg, Germany on the
continent of Europe. Find Bed and Breakfast, Museum, Restaurant and attractions in Hamburg, Hamburg below.
Hamburg in Hamburg, Hamburg
Fischereihafen Restaurant Fischereihafen, established some 4 decades ago, is the best seafood restaurant in town, if you prefer true local fare to the internationally oriented cuisine of other restaurants. Every day, the staff...
Read more Zwei Eichen - Bed & Breakfast We'd like to welcome you to our lovely B&B. It's located in a quiet residential area. surrounded by trees. The village center and train station is less than a five minute walk from "Zwei Eichen".
Read more Warehouse Complex The century-old Speicherstadt is located in the Free Port between the Deichtorhallen and Baumwall and is the world's oldest warehouse complex. It was built at the turn of the century in red brick, typ...