Genoa is a bay located in Liguria, Italy on the
continent of Europe. Find Hotel, Restaurant and attractions in Genoa, Genoa below.
Genoa in Genoa, Genoa
Hotel Bristol Palace Welcome to Hotel Bristol Palace, Genoa, Italy. This Hotel is an elegant turn-of-the-century palace in the centre of Genoa on Via XX Settembre. The Hotel Bristol Palace is just a few steps from the mos...
Read more Columbus Sea Hotel The Columbus Sea Hotel, which has been recently completely renovated, is located in a convenient position in proximity of the center of Genoa, walking distance from the newFerry Terminal, air terminal...
Read more Hotel Bellevue Welcome to the Hotel Bellevue, Genoa, Italy. The Hotel Bellevue is situated in a central position, situated 50 metres from the railway station "Principe" as well as from the Air Terminal an...
Read more Trattoria Archivolto Mongiardino Welcome to the Trattoria Archivolto Mongiardino, Genoa, Italy. This Restaurant is situated in the heart of Genoa and is very poplular that is why it is always busy. Booking a table at this Restauran...