Salzburg is a bay located in Salzburg, Austria on the
continent of Europe. Find Bed and Breakfast, Restaurant, Tours and Safaris and attractions in Salzburg, Salzburg below.
Salzburg in Salzburg, Salzburg
Mönchsberg 32 Mönchsberg 32, the restaurant adjacent to Salzburg's Mönchsberg Museum of Modern Art, offers culinary delights with a breathtaking view. A tremendous light installation composed of 500 deer antl...
Read more Haus Steiner When you stay here with us, you're certain to feel right at home. We enjoy a peaceful setting amid a nature preserve, with delightful views of the surrounding countryside. The center of town is within...
Read more Ikarus Restaurant The Ikarus in Hangar 7 also has a special amenity: guests who prefer to leave their car at home can enjoy the luxury of a private landing strip â?? provided they have a pilot's license, a plane and r...
Read more Fiaker Franz Winter - Salzburg The city tour offers to you and your family or friends, the special possibility of learning the impressing old part of the town of Salzburg in a special way. I will show you the most beautiful landmar...
Read more Esszimmer Since 05 July 2004 the restaurant dining-room spoils its guests on highest level. Guarantor for this is Andreas Kaiblinger, who carries out its dream of transparent point kitchen within the dining-roo...