Zandvoorts claim to fame is the fact that it is the closest beach from
Amsterdam. In summer lot's of Amsterdammers will gather here to lay on
the beach, while also lot's of tourist turn up, especially Germans.
Zandvoort in Zandvoort, Zandvoort
Bell Hotel The Bell Hotel is situated in Zandvoort, Holland only 50 meters from the town centre and the northsea-beach.
It has a sun terrace, bar and breakfastroom. Opposite the hotel there is a large illuminat...
Read more Zandvoorts Museum The Zandvoorts Museum houses an old art department, where the Zandvoortse history is exhibited. Style dated rooms, fishery attributes, ships models, paintings, photographs, models of old buildings and...
Read more Hotel Hoogland Hotel Hoogland, a place for relaxation and inspiration, for the individual guest in a creative ambiance.
Hotel Hoogland is located two minutes from...
Read more Hotel Faber Hotel Faber founded in 1932 and is managed by two brothers from the Faber family. These brothers, Hans and Martin, are from the third generation of the family.
Hotel Faber is full of atmosphere and l...
Read more Skyline Skyline 13, the rough Australian outback mixed with a touch of sparkling Bondi beach. Therefore enjoy eating and the sun and sea and celebrate!
Enjoy our new menu and incorporate the 'down under' en...